Friday, April 20, 2012

Creation Centre - My thoughts!

Just created my team on FIFA 11 Creation Centre (I even got indigestion for rushing through my tea to get back to it), here are my thoughts:
Firstly, I don't see why everyone is donning pitchforks against this thing. From a technical standpoint, they've used Adobe Flex technology to create the application. I tried making something using Adobe Flex at uni and it was really really hard. I actually feel sorry for the web team down at EA.
Right, the custom team section. Yes, there is a lot missing content wise, but that's really down to the fact that
a) it's still in beta
b) from what I understand, FIFA is bound by a lot of licensing laws, making it hard to bring you things. But the beauty of all that is that with it being a web application, it's easily updatable whereas if it was all in-game, you'd have to wait another year.
Right anyway, the custom teams. I really like the concept. Creating my team initially was really easy to do - much more so than having to do it in-game. I was a bit dismayed by the lack of badge and colour options, but again - this *is* a beta.
The player creation again is very interesting. I don't see why everyone hates not having the option for gameface. Imagine this - the resources used to create a gameface must go through the roof. The process takes ages in itself and it must use up a lot of data in itself on the EA servers. Can you imagine thousands of people around the world constantly hammering that? As much as I'd kill to be able to import all my mates faces into the game, I think EA have made the right choice here.

I was relieved to see a "Generate Attributes" button, meaning I could put in the guys overall rating and it would just work out his stats based on his position. I wouldn't have enjoyed manually changing every attribute. I love how you can select his celebration and I also like the questionnaire at the end too, giving him a unique personality. There's a lot of focus on gloves as well, as you'll see what I mean.
The custom options in themselves aren't half bad either. Yes, there's a limit on faces and hair (it's a beta!) but it's unique enough to individualise your mates. The strip chooser I loved, really simple options and a fair few kit styles in there too.
Overall, really happy with it. Few errors in there (not being able to save my team sometimes) and a couple of spelling mistakes, but hey, those are easily ironed out. An EA developer on a forum revealed that there's "more to come" from the Creation Centre. I can't wait.|||

Right anyway, the custom teams. I really like the concept. Creating my team initially was really easy to do - much more so than having to do it in-game. I was a bit dismayed by the lack of badge and colour options, but again - this *is* a beta.

Well, is there any information on how it's going to be after beta is finished? This info would be very helpful to understand the current state.

I don't see why everyone hates not having the option for gameface. Imagine this - the resources used to create a gameface must go through the roof. The process takes ages in itself and it must use up a lot of data in itself on the EA servers.

How bout letting my PS3 do the work offline - not online?

The strip chooser I loved, really simple options and a fair few kit styles in there too.

Well, not enough for me as my buying decision relied on massive customizing features. If it's good enough for you, I don't blame you.
|||Overall i think its a great feature. Ive been wanting to create my own team and players for a long time, and now i finally can :)
Only main issues i have is the lack of hair choices, faces, and colours and strips, but it is a beta and im sure it will get better down the road
Havnt tried to import my team yet into FIFA 11 but will give that a shot tonight

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